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Write a Book, Grow Your Business

November 16, 2020 (Last Updated February 17, 2021)

Marcy G.

Unless you’re a secret author at heart, you may not have considered ever writing a book. After all, if you don’t consider yourself a writer, why would you entertain the idea? Turns out there are many good reasons to consider writing a book. The most important reason for business owners and entrepreneurs is to establish yourself as an authority in your field. Let me explain.

Business books increase your authority

No matter what industry or business you’re in, your goal is to make sales, increase revenue, and support a successful business. There are nearly as many ways to do that as there are business owners.

However, there is an important element that can take your business from busted to booming: establishing credibility in your field.

After all, why should future clients or customers trust you? Even if you stand out in many other ways, it can be hard for a new prospect to trust an untested company. That’s where business books come in.

Writing a book to boost sales

Consider this: when you write and self-publish a book, you have proven (even before the book is read!) that you know what you are talking about. After all, you have demonstrated that you have enough expert knowledge to fill a book.

Future clients and customers will see that you are a trusted source. They know they can pick up your book at any time and read what you have to say. Your philosophy on business and your particular industry is an open book, so to speak, and you’ve been transparent with your thoughts and your process.

In addition, writing a book gives you a chance to connect more meaningfully with current customers and clients, too. If they’ve been neutral toward your brand, a book will give them a chance to engage on a deeper level. They’ll be able to connect your story to their own lives.

Writing a book gives you a tangible, concrete source to point to when someone asks, “What do you think?” And not only that, a book prompts the question in the first place. People naturally turn to published authors as a trusted source of commentary and information. Writing a book gives you an opportunity to present your ideas to the global market, giving you a chance to expand your brand and your business to a wider market.

How to self-publish a book

Ready to begin your self-publishing journey? It’s simple—even if it doesn’t seem like it at first.

Write your book

First, decide on a topic you’d like to write about. You can choose something you feel strongly about sharing, such as your business philosophy, or a topic your clients and customers would find useful. Consider how you can use your book to support your marketing in the future, as well as how your business can market your book.

Writing the book won’t be as difficult as it sounds. You can also reach out to professional writers and editors, who can help you polish your words. Write using one of our free book templates or format your book once its written.

Apply for an ISBN

Once your book is written, edited, and proofread, you can apply for an ISBN number. This is a unique identifier that distinguishes your book from any other book, past or present. You’ll need an ISBN number if you’d like a bookstore to carry your book. We can help you purchase an ISBN for your book, and if you’d like to publish other versions, such as an e-book, we can help you purchase the ISBN for that, too.

Format and design your book

Use our free book templates to format your book, or you can format them on your own. This is also the step where you’ll design your book’s cover, which is a very important component. You can hire a graphic designer to help or use our Create-a-Cover service.

Submit your files

You’re nearly done. When your book has been formatted and designed, it’s time to place an order with 48 Hour Books. You can order online in minutes or call our customer service team for added support. Before your book goes to press, we’ll provide you with electronic proofs, which you can check for any last-minute typos or errors.

Your printed book

The final and most exciting step: Your printed book! When you order with us, you’ll get your books fast—as soon as two days for perfect-bound books. Once you have your book in hand, you can distribute, sell, and market your book to your chosen audience.

Be proud! You’ve taken a big step toward promoting your brand and your business. The final step? Celebrate!

Partner with us

Reach out to the 48 Hour Books team for any questions you have about self-publishing a book. We’re happy to help guide you on your journey to becoming a published author. Give us a call at 800-231-0521 or contact us online with questions.

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